Friday, 23 December 2011

Winter Wonderland

Happy Birthday to the most amazing man ever born on earth. He came so that we might know His love! He died so that we might live!

Haven`t made a cake for awhile, so I thought this was a perfect excuse! Though there wasn`t a lot of time, I was happy with the results! I was going to do a two layer cake, but when I put the second layer on top... it didn`t look right, so I went back to the drawing board, this is what came forth! It was such a beautiful morning: In the bright, snow dusted, crisp outdoors!

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Brogan Baby Shower

Hannah Dotzert organized a youth baby "party" for Stephen and Sarah (Youth Leaders). I was asked to do the cake, to which I willingly obliged! 
Tip: I used coffee in the icing instead of milk! Made it a lot easier to get the "smooth" look! Next time I'll use a stronger coffee to add the mocha flavor!

Logan Brogan due - December 24th, 2011

Friday, 25 November 2011

"Freedom 55"

Happy Birthday Uncle Helmut! Driving along at 55mi/hr sometimes the road takes unexpected dips!

Original chocolate cake with vienna filling as requested

Friday, 28 October 2011

Farewell Cake

 The Simple version :)

Sunday, October 30th, 2011 we as a church are sending Andrew Hamilton off to Lesotho for 2+ years. Mrs. Hamilton (his mom) makes the cakes for our church, but she is really busy this weekend, so I was asked to do it! I couldn't pass up on making a cake. This is nothing fancy or hard, but was a ton of fun making it! No color stains on the hands this time and no gloves either, you just learn as you go!!!

P.S. all the different countries represented on the cake are places that Andrew's been to or will be visiting.

Friday, 7 October 2011

Jenelle's 25th Birthday "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord"

 After I saw this, I wasn't sure whether or not I wanted to add the next layer... ending up doing it, but I liked the simplicity look of this!
 I'm not the most creative when it comes to photography, but I thought this would might be a major key to...
 Making sure I have the copyright in there!
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing! Twas a fun cake to make, decorate, and with the combined efforts of friends and family this cake was made very unique! Thanks to all who put a word in edge wise;)

#1 Tip - DON'T use deli gloves when kneading color into fondant! They rip REAL easy and you WON'T notice it till it's too late!

Monday, 3 October 2011

Smellin' Fishy

It seems every year James asks me to make him a fish cake! So every year I look for "new" ideas! This is this years rendition!  Happy 12th Birthday James (Sept 27, 2011)! God bless you as you go out and be a fisher of men!

Friday, 30 September 2011

Chaim & Deanna Malespin's Wedding Cake #2

Praise the Lord! We got home this afternoon at about 2pm. I quickly got the cake into the oven and at 6pm was ready to start decorating! Process was a bit slow and I kept getting called for practicing (we're playing for the wedding too!), however it went better than expected... I'm just really praying protection for it on the 1hr. van ride down tomorrow!
This 10+ in. cake is chocolate & vanilla (layered every other one!) filled with raspberry filling and Vienna Filling and iced with a butter-cream icing!  

Friday, 23 September 2011

Micah's 8th Birthday

Micah and I worked at making this 3D funky car together! It was fun teaching Micah the different techniques that I have been able to learn, and just be together! He's growing up fast!

A quick birthday cake that I made for Rachel Heikoop! We had a special day together; all inclusive with balloons, streamers, a steak dinner, fireworks, cake, canoeing, and more! What a sweet gal... Lord bless her!

Aunt Ruth's 85th Birthday Cake

All of Great Aunt Ruth's sisters and their children and grandchildren came to our house and we celebrated 85yrs. of the Lord's faithfulness to her! Love that lady so much!

Thursday, 15 September 2011

 This was one of my first attempts at decorating a cake! My mom made a zucchini chocolate cake for a family reunion and I had all my decorating tips out, so I decided to try something. You can't see the details very well, but there are white roses with petals on top of the cake. Tasted yummier then it looks!
 This was my first shaped pan cake I decorated. It took me way longer than it should have, but turned out not too bad.
 This cake was for a youth group get-together. Served as a dual purpose. #1.Was a western theme evening (water bucket) #2. One of the young people was leaving for a time to South Africa.
 My first shower cake. My Aunt asked me if I would be interested in making a shower cake for her daughter, to which I agreed. This was my first time using fondant. Not something I'm very fond of (no pun intended!), but haven't really given it the chance yet! I would like to play around with it a bit more!
This soccer ball cake (personal favorite) was made April 2011 for a special young boy! Someone actually commented that it looked like a real soccer ball sitting in the grass. This one was fun to make!

 My Paisley pan set. This cake was made for my cousins shower! I had a lot of fun with this one! I really like the contrasting black on white (pink and purple were her colors)!
My poor brother wound up with this cake! This was a very thrown together-last minute-midnight cake. Would like to try this one again, hopefully next time with better results!