Friday, 23 December 2011

Winter Wonderland

Happy Birthday to the most amazing man ever born on earth. He came so that we might know His love! He died so that we might live!

Haven`t made a cake for awhile, so I thought this was a perfect excuse! Though there wasn`t a lot of time, I was happy with the results! I was going to do a two layer cake, but when I put the second layer on top... it didn`t look right, so I went back to the drawing board, this is what came forth! It was such a beautiful morning: In the bright, snow dusted, crisp outdoors!

Merry Christmas to all!

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Brogan Baby Shower

Hannah Dotzert organized a youth baby "party" for Stephen and Sarah (Youth Leaders). I was asked to do the cake, to which I willingly obliged! 
Tip: I used coffee in the icing instead of milk! Made it a lot easier to get the "smooth" look! Next time I'll use a stronger coffee to add the mocha flavor!

Logan Brogan due - December 24th, 2011